
There’s no getting around it: if you want to reach the people on social media who will help your dental practice thrive, you’re going to have to pay for it. But with the price of entry come incredible opportunities to attract ideal new patients as well as retain the ones you have.

Making small, smart investments in promoting your posts is the new reality of social media marketing — and the faster you embrace it, the faster new patients can start finding you. This free downloadable ebook is your guide to using paid content promotion to grow your dental practice.

In The Dentist’s Guide to Paid Social, we simply explain the fundamentals of paid social and how to use it effectively, including:

  • Why paid social is essential to marketing your practice online
  • Which social media platforms are best for dentists to promote content
  • How to create engaging social media content that greatly benefits from even a small promotional budget

Apply the strategies you learn with example post ideas and see how quickly paid content promotion grows your audience and helps new patients find you. Plus, get free downloadable materials from My Social Practice you can use to create optimal promoted posts.