How do I bulk import and send review requests to contacts?

Step 1: Bulk Uploading Contacts

1. Navigate and log into

2. Click 'Contacts' 

3. In the top-right click 'Add Contacts' > 'Bulk Import'

4. Download the sample spreadsheet to correctly format your contacts - save and export as a .xlsx or .xls file 

5. Click 'Upload spreadsheet' > 'Next' 

6. Match spreadsheet columns to contact fields then scroll down to the bottom and click 'Next'

7. Click 'Start Import' and wait for the contacts to be uploaded


Step 2: Bulk Sending Review Requests

You have two options when it comes to bulk-sending review requests:

1 - Automatically send a review request when new contacts are bulk uploaded 

2 - Manually create a campaign and select which contacts receive a review request


Option 1:  Automatically send a review request when new contacts are bulk uploaded 

1. Click 'Campaigns' in the left-hand menu

2. Hover over the 'Review request' campaign and click 'Actions' > 'Edit'

3. In the second section click the number of sources drop-down menu. This will reveal the option to check 'Bulk Upload' as one of the sources that would trigger a review request to be sent. 

4. Check the box and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Get Reviews' to launch the campaign with the changes you've made.

Now all contacts added via bulk import will automatically be sent a review request.


Option 2: Manually create a campaign and select which contacts receive a review request

1. Click 'Campaigns' in the left-hand menu

2. Select 'Campaigns' in the top menu

3. Click the 'Create Campaign' button and then the 'Review' option

4. Choose your recipients and templates

5. Schedule when your requests should send

6. Click 'Get Reviews' to launch your campaign