The following specifications will help you create your posts and avoid any issues posting to the various social platforms.
- Image:
- You can share up to 10 images in 1 post
- 10 MB max size
- 1200x630 max resolution
- Video:
- Titles need to be 255 characters or less
- 1GB max
- 20 min max length
- MP4 file type
- Videos to groups are no longer allowed per Meta's API
- All videos that are 1080x1920 will be posted as Reels
- Text/Caption:
- For image and video posts, captions can be up to 63,000 characters
- For posts that share a link as the "media" of the post, captions can be up to 1000 characters
- Image:
- You can share up to 10 images in 1 post
- Images should be 1080x1080 or 1080x1920 maximum
- Video:
- 3 seconds minimum, 15 min maximum length
- 9:16 aspect ratio, 1920 maximum vertical, 1080 horizontal pixels max
- 1GB max size
- Maximum bitrate: We recommend 5 MB/second to avoid overloading Meta's servers, but they do accept up to 25 MB/second
- MP4 file type
- Video content will post as an Instagram Reel by default
- Text/Caption:
- 2200 character maximum
- 30 hashtag limit
- Links will post, but will post as text (alternate is using "link in bio" on Instagram)
- Story Post:
- Image :
- Images should be 1080x1080 or 1080x1350 maximum
- Aspect Ratio: 9:16
- Unable to tag accounts/users in Story post
- Steps to creating a Story post here
- Must be a Business Instagram account
- Video:
- Aspect Ratio: 9:16 is recommended to avoid cropping or a background
- Resolution: Max 1920 horizontal pixels x 1080 length pixels
- Image :
- Image:
- 1080x1080 resolution recommended
- 9 images max for 1 post
- Video:
- 10 minute max length
- 200 MB max size
- Title needs to be 400 characters or less
- MP4 file type
- Text:
- 3000 character maximum
- 30 Hashtags maximum
- Image:
- 1600x900 resolution max
- 4 images per post max
- Video:
- 2 min 20 second max length
- 512 MB max size
- 1280x1024 resolution max
- MP4 file type
- Text:
- 280 character maximum
- Image: Not Allowed
- Video:
- 512 MB max size
- MP4 file type
- 100 character title max
- Shorts: For your video to be posted as a YouTube Short, it must:
- Be 60 seconds or less
- Be in the vertical format with an aspect ratio of 9:16 and a resolution of 1080x1920 pixels
- YouTube also categorizes square videos under 60 seconds as a Short:
- The aspect ratio must be 1:1 with a resolution of 1080 by 1080
- Due to the square cropping, the video will be posted with a black bar at the top and bottom
- The black bars at the bottom leave space for viewers to easily see the video title, channel name, and subscribe button, so use them at your discretion
- Text:
- 15 hashtags max
- 5000 character caption max
Google Business Profile
- Image:
- 1 images per post max
- 1080x1080px resolution recommend
- Video:
- 30 seconds maximum length
- MP4 file type
- Text:
- 1500 character caption max
- Follow Google posting guidelines here
- Image: Not allowed
- Video:
- 10 minute maximum
- 1080x1920 resolution max
- MP4 file type
- Text:
- 150-character limit for caption
- Image:
- Only single image posts
- Video:
- 60 second max
- 1080x1920px resolution recommended
- Must be a business Pinterest account
- Text:
- 20 hashtag limit
- Cannot replace the cover image when sharing an article as the "media" of the post
- Cannot contain links in the caption
- Caption must be 500 characters or less